Kodály Certification in Latin America
Photos of the course in Santiago.
Photos of the course in Santiago.
Top European musical award for New Zealand conductor
Kodály Conference at the Institute for Musicology
Dr. László Vikár passed away on May 12, 2017
Concert in the Chenaniah Music Institute at NSA.
Sr. Mary Alice Hein passed away on October 31, 2016.
Le 23ème Symposium International Kodály, sur le site de l’Université de l’Alberta à Camrose
Erzsébet Hegyi passed away on January 24, 2017.
See many photos and videos on the Facebook page of the Symposium.
The IKS is celebrating the 135th anniversary of Zoltán Kodály's birth and the 50th anniversary of his death, with a piano recital by József Balog. To watch the concert click here. For the program