Full Individual-, Student-* or Retired Persons' Membership holders
- are invited to take part in the activities of and attend events organized by the Society;
- may elect and be elected for posts in the Society;
- will receive 2 scientific Bulletins yearly;
- may submit scientific articles for the Bulletin;
- may submit articles and announcements for the Newsletter;
- will receive reduction on International Kodály Society publications;
- will have the right to apply for International Kodály Society Scholarships for study in the Kodály Institute and other high quality training Kodály courses;
- have the possibility of appealing on the International Kodály Society office in Budapest for specific information concerning Zoltán Kodály's lifetime work and about present Kodály programs in Hungary and abroad;
- are invited to participate actively in the work of the Forums of the Society;
- may exchange information and documentation with fellow members;
- may participate in the biennial International Kodály Symposia.
Registered Supporting Membership holders
- are invited to take part in the activities of and attend events organized by the Society.
- will receive 4 times a year one article of the IKS Bulletin in the e-mail;
- may submit articles and announcements for the Newsletter;
- have the possibility of appealing on the International Kodály Society office in Budapest for specific information concerning Zoltán Kodály's lifetime work and about present Kodály programs in Hungary and abroad;
- may exchange information and documentation with fellow members.
Institutional Membership holders
- receive the same benefits as individual members. For the election process, they give a mandate to one of their members, who can, on their behalf, vote and be elected. However, as institutional members, they cannot apply for a scholarship.
*A student in full standing, whose status must be proven by a valid student identification card, qualifies for Student Membership.