IKS Foundation

It is our firm conviction that mankind will live the happier when it has learnt to live with music more worthily. Whoever works to promote this end, in one way or another, has not lived in vain.

Zoltán Kodály

'Mission Statement'

In support of the International Kodály Society, to help its ongoing efforts to inspire all bearing responsibility in music and music education and to care for the welfare of children world-wide by countering over-materialistic tendencies into a healthy balance between their intellectual and emotional upbringing, leading to real humanity.


Funding intentions
The mission of the IKS Foundation is to materially and logistically support the International Kodály Society in its efforts to ensure children and youth the so necessary, and too often lacking, balance between the development of intellectual potential and emotional growth, through education in general and through music education in particular.
Funding initiatives
The primary focus will be on projects leading to long term results that benefit the artistic, cultural and educational fields. To that end support will be given to composers and musicians to create the necessary musical materials; to researchers and pedagogues to develop curricula as well as to mount and steer teachers' training programs; and to the least advantaged children of the society to provide them with adequate educational materials.
Civic engagement
The Foundation will support efforts to motivate politicians and decision-making authorities to be aware that only the best is good enough for the education of children. Therefore International Forums will be organized on a regular basis as platforms of permanent exchange of expertise and venues where specialists and administrators can meet in a spirit of mutual understanding and respect to work on long-lasting solutions.
The Foundation will give scholarships to artists, researchers and educators, especially those coming from disadvantaged layers of the society, that are in a position to let their local communities benefit directly and substantially from the offer.
The Foundation will support publications necessary to realize its intentions and to document the importance of art and music as a part of general universal human knowledge.

Kodály exemplified the platonic ideal of Vir Justus, unfettered by extraneous considerations, answering only to the firm commands of his unswerving conscience and creative impulse and thus a lasting blessing to all who believe in music as the crucial cornerstone of the entire humanistic enterprise.
(Alexander Ringer about Zoltán Kodály)
The Indian sociologist Radhakamal Mukerjee stated that "Between art and society there is a reciprocity that has no end".
At a time when education is focusing heavily on the technological and vocational in a screen-dominated society, aesthetic awareness has become a crucial element in the upbringing of children. Profound research shows how the arts and music in particular, as an integrated part of general human education, not only improve academic results but also lead to better social integration and human conduct. It is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, through adequate education, to counter the negative tendencies of fundamentalism and fanaticism, an ideal that we can never give up.
Board of Trustees
Mr. Huba Brückner, President
Mr. Gilbert De Greeve, Member
Ms. Anna Hernádi, Member
Ms. Boróka Bodacz-Nagy, Secretary
Supporting the Foundation  
With donations  
Donations and sponsoring of projects will lead to a real investment in the well-being of future generations and support of the Foundation is open to business and to private persons. At the end of a working year a report will be published, among others listing all that contributed to the Foundation. Besides, donors will also be listed in the program books of the International Forums organized by the Foundation. Given the international character of its intentions, donations from all over the globe are welcome. To enable a maximum benefit to those who need it, the administration costs of the Foundation are kept as low as possible.
As a subscriber  
Through subscribing with your name to the list of 'Sympathizers' of the IKS Foundation, hence strengthening attention for its goals and objectives.  
Tax deduction  
Based on (5)§7 of Law No. LXXXI of 1996, the Foundation has the right to issue certificates which entitle businesses operating in Hungary to receiving a 100% tax deduction on donations and private persons living in Hungary to a 30% tax deduction on donations.

    IKS Foundation,
  Friends of the International Kodály Society   

H-1149 Budapest, Róna u. 120-122. 3.em.340, Hungary
e-mail: office[at]iks[dot]hu - website: www.iks.hu
court reg. no 8839
bank account no 11705008-20482396
IBAN: HU36117050082048239600000000