Sr. Mary Alice Hein collected "oral history" from among Zoltán Kodály's surviving colleagues and students in the late eighties. In this volume she presents twenty interviews which are the result of her devoted and enthusiastic research on the sources of Hungarian music education and its international dissemination. The book gives us a fascinating insight into the inception and development of Kodály's educational work from the thirties up to his last day. It traces his growing ideas on the interdependence of folk music research and pedagogy, in the process of music learning and the application of his ideas to the vital experiences of musical material for children. Many areas of musical activity would be enriched by an understanding practice of his conception. Readers will certainly be more acquainted with the exceptionally rich, many faceted aspects of the life and work of Zoltán Kodály.
Interviews with:
Lajos Bárdos, György Kerényi, Benjamin Rajeczky, László Agócsy, Dénes Bartha, Irma Bors, Irén Forrai, Miklós Forrai, György Gulyás, Dezsõ Legány, Zoltán Pongrácz, Emma Serényi, László Eõsze, Katalin Forrai, Erzsébet Szõnyi, László Vikár, Erzsébet Hegyi, Helga Szabó, Sándor Szokolay, Zoltán Tarcai
Current full IKS members can buy it for USD 12.00.