"To understand other people we must first understand ourselves. Nothing is better for that than our folk songs. And to know other people, their folk songs offer the best means, as well." (Zoltán Kodály)
The International Kodály Society Songbook Music, a Universal Language is the fist volume of a series in which folksongs of different countries are connected to an original setting for 2- or 3-part children’s or youth choir done by a resident composer of the country involved.
The intention of the publication is not only to provide music teachers with excellent materials from various cultures but also, and not for the least, to raise interest of composers worldwide to write again more for children and youngsters, in the same sense as Zoltán Kodály did in Hungary.
The book contains the score of the particular folksong and of the setting for choir as well as information about the various songs. There are also biographical notes about the composers.
Furthermore there are two CDs attached to the book. These CDs have three items for each song: (i) the “spoken text”, especially for the sake of pronunciation, (ii) the original folksong, sung by one or a few, to provide a stylistic impression of the way it is sung in the country involved, and (iii) a recording of the choral setting.
The book contains a treasure of beautiful songs and settings, performed on the CDs by musicians from the various countries and is in fact a must for the library of every school and music education program.
Current full IKS members can buy it for USD 32.00.