This Jubilee Bulletin is a compilation of major articles published in the first 25 years of the International Kodály Society.
Available only in E-book format (the printed version is already sold out). Current IKS members can receive the E-book for USD 24.00. For non-IKS members the E-book can be bought for USD 30.00.
KODÁLY, Zoltán: The Role of the Authentic Folksong in Music Education, Lecture (1966)
BARTÓK, Béla, Junior: Kodály as I Knew Him
DILLE, Denijs: Souvenirs de Zoltán Kodály
RINGER, Alexander: Vir Justus in Musica
SZÕNYI, Erzsébet: Zoltán Kodály - Face to Face
ITTZÉS, Mihály: A Centenary Tribute to Jenõ Ádám
LUKIN, László: In Memory of Lajos Bárdos
ITTZÉS, Mihály: Double Anniversary of Márta Nemesszeghy
HEIN, Mary Alice: The Legacy of Zoltán Kodály: An Oral History Perspective
EÕSZE, László: Zoltán Kodály's Timeliness
ITTZÉS, Mihály: East Meets West in Kodály's Oeuvre: Multicultural Ideas in His Writings and Musical Works
UJFALUSSY, József: Kodály and Debussy
YOUNG, Percy M.: Kodály and the British Choral Tradition
SZABÓ, Miklós: Problems of Interpretation in Kodály's Choral Music
VIKÁ, László: Kodály, the Musicologist
TANIMOTO, Kazuyuki: Kodály, the Ethnomusicologist
KODÁLY, Zoltán: Music in the Nursery School, Radio Speech (1941)
DE GREEVE, Gilbert: The Human Value of the Kodály Philosophy
HERBOLY-KOCSÁR, Ildikó: The Kodály Concept and 20th Century Music
SOLOMON, Batia: Constant Values in the Changing World of Education – The Significance of Kodály's Philosophy
RIBIERE-RAVERLAT, Jacquotte: Progression pédagogique en passant par les chansons populaires françaises et les auditions d'oeuvres
FAVREAU, Sharyn G.: Une analyse pour fin pedagogique de chansons canadienne-françaises telles que collectionnées par Marius Barbeau
FORRAI, Katalin: Kodály and the Children
BACON, Denise: Kodály Music for Learning Disabled Children
CHOKSY, Lois: Teacher Training and Re-Training Via Kodály Principles: A Study in Effective University-Community Cooperation
PATTERSON, Anne L.: Toward an Expanded Musical Literacy: Music History and the Kodály-Inspired Teacher
CHAILLEY, Jacques: La solmisation Kodály, révélateur des problèmes de hauteur absolue et de hauteur relative dans les pays latins
GARO, Edouard: Le Son, le Nom et le Signe, une distinction utile à la pratique de le solmisation kodályenne dans les pays latins
SINOR, Jean: The Ideas of Kodály in America
HOERMANN, Deanna and HERBERT, Gwynneth: The Adaptation of the Kodály Philosophy in Australia. Music Gives a Fine Edge to Learning
VAJDA, Cecilia: Kodály and British Education
KALJUSTE, Heino: A Brief Survey of the Application of the Principles of the Kodály Method in the Schools of the Estonian SSR, USSR
IKS Boards of Directors
IKS Symposia