Jubilee Bulletin

Jubilee Bulletin

1975 —2000. 25 years in the life of a Society: a good moment to look back, to thank and to dream.

As many of you know, the Society was officially established at the 2nd International Kodály Symposium in Kecskemét (Hungary). It was the result of an initiative taken at the previous symposium (Oakland, 1973) with Professor Erzsébet Szõnyi, Dr. Alexander Ringer and Sister Mary Alice Hein as the driving forces.

Those among you who attended the first Kecskemét Symposium will remember the lively discussions at the General Assembly, the exchange of ideas, the comments and suggestions from the floor, the compromises to be made, and finally the installation of the first Board. So the IKS became a fact and its principle aim was 'the world-wide propagation of the musical, educational and cultural concepts associated with Zoltán Kodály for the benefit of music generally and in particular for the educational advancement of youth. The Society shall serve as an international forum for all who are active in the spirit of the Hungarian master as composer, scholar and educator.'

Today, 25 years later, we embrace the same objectives, of course seen in the light of the present challenges.

Since 1975 many have given their professional expertise as members of the Board, of a committee or in participating actively in the life of the Society. To avoid the danger of forgetting someone, we will not mention names. Our gratitude goes to all who are or have been involved in the life of the Society, each in their particular way.

In this jubilee Bulletin is a compilation of major articles published in the past 25 years. Many more articles could have been chosen, but we trust that you understand that a selection had to be made. We extend our gratitude to the editorial committee.

Looking into the future, we dream of building the IKS into a strong professional organization, of which all interested in carrying on the spirit of Zoltán Kodály can have the benefit. To achieve that goal we need you. Therefore we count on your ongoing interest and support in the International Kodály Society.

Available only in E-book format (the printed version is already sold out), through the IKS Executive Office office [at] iks [dot] hu. Current IKS members can receive the E-book for USD 24.00. For non-IKS members the E-book can be bought for USD 30.00.



KODÁLY, Zoltán: The Role of the Authentic Folksong in Music Education, Lecture (1966)
BARTÓK, Béla, Junior: Kodály as I Knew Him
DILLE, Denijs: Souvenirs de Zoltán Kodály
RINGER, Alexander: Vir Justus in Musica
SZÕNYI, Erzsébet: Zoltán Kodály - Face to Face
ITTZÉS, Mihály: A Centenary Tribute to Jenõ Ádám
LUKIN, László: In Memory of Lajos Bárdos
ITTZÉS, Mihály: Double Anniversary of Márta Nemesszeghy
HEIN, Mary Alice: The Legacy of Zoltán Kodály: An Oral History Perspective
EÕSZE, László: Zoltán Kodály's Timeliness
ITTZÉS, Mihály: East Meets West in Kodály's Oeuvre: Multicultural Ideas in His Writings and Musical Works
UJFALUSSY, József: Kodály and Debussy
YOUNG, Percy M.: Kodály and the British Choral Tradition
SZABÓ, Miklós: Problems of Interpretation in Kodály's Choral Music
VIKÁR, László: Kodály, the Musicologist
TANIMOTO, Kazuyuki: Kodály, the Ethnomusicologist
KODÁLY, Zoltán: Music in the Nursery School, Radio Speech (1941)
DE GREEVE, Gilbert: The Human Value of the Kodály Philosophy
HERBOLY-KOCSÁR, Ildikó: The Kodály Concept and 20th Century Music
SOLOMON, Batia: Constant Values in the Changing World of Education – The Significance of Kodály's Philosophy
RIBIERE-RAVERLAT, Jacquotte: Progression pédagogique en passant par les chansons populaires françaises et les auditions d'oeuvres
FAVREAU, Sharyn G.: Une analyse pour fin pedagogique de chansons canadienne-françaises telles que collectionnées par Marius Barbeau
FORRAI, Katalin: Kodály and the Children
BACON, Denise: Kodály Music for Learning Disabled Children
CHOKSY, Lois: Teacher Training and Re-Training Via Kodály Principles: A Study in Effective University-Community Cooperation
PATTERSON, Anne L.: Toward an Expanded Musical Literacy: Music History and the Kodály-Inspired Teacher
CHAILLEY, Jacques: La solmisation Kodály, révélateur des problèmes de hauteur absolue et de hauteur relative dans les pays latins
GARO, Edouard: Le Son, le Nom et le Signe, une distinction utile à  la pratique de le solmisation kodályenne dans les pays latins
SINOR, Jean: The Ideas of Kodály in America
HOERMANN, Deanna and HERBERT, Gwynneth: The Adaptation of the Kodály Philosophy in Australia. Music Gives a Fine Edge to Learning
VAJDA, Cecilia: Kodály and British Education
KALJUSTE, Heino: A Brief Survey of the Application of the Principles of the Kodály Method in the Schools of the Estonian SSR, USSR
IKS Boards of Directors
IKS Symposia