• "The characteristics of a good musician are a well-trained ear, a well-trained mind, a well-trained heart and a well-trained hand. All four parts must develop together in constant equilibrium." (Zoltán Kodály)
  • "A good folk song is a perfect masterpiece in itself" (Zoltán Kodály)
  • “Teach music and singing at school in such a way that it is not a torture but a joy for the pupil; instil a thirst for finer music in him, a thirst which will last for a lifetime.” (Zoltán Kodály)
  • “If one were to attempt to express the essence of this education in one word, it could only be singing” (Zoltán Kodály)
  • "It is my firm conviction that mankind will live the happier when it has learned to live with music more worthily. Whoever works to promote this end, in one way or another, has not lived in vain." (Zoltán Kodály)
  • "Music is an indispensable part of universal human knowledge. He who lacks it has a faulty knowledge. A man without music is incomplete. It is obvious that music should be a school subject. It is essential!" (Zoltán Kodály)
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Membership by-law of the International Kodály Society

The Board of Directors, as stipulated in Art. IV-2.12 of the Statutes regulates with this by-law the Membership Dues of the IKS based upon its right to do so as stipulated in Art. VII 2. of the Statutes.

1. Individual Members:

1.1. Fees:
- Regular:40 $US
- Retired 30 $US
- Student 30 $US
- Registered Supporting: 10$US
- Honorary Membership: no fee required
1.2. All being in line with the aims and objectives of the Society can be Individual Members.
1.2.1. Regular Members will enjoy all privileges of their membership, including receiving the bi-annual Bulletin, attending the IKS Symposia.
1.2.2. A person who retired from his/her full employment qualifies for Retired Membership Retired members shall pay a lower membership fee but enjoy the same privileges as Regular Members
1.2.3. A student in full standing, whose status must be proven by a valid student identification card, qualifies for Student Membership. Student members shall pay a lower membership fee but enjoy the same privileges as Regular Members.
1.2.4. The Board may invite persons of outstanding merit in the furtherance of the Society's objectives to accept Honorary Membership. Honorary Members enjoy the same privileges as Regular Members, but their duty of paying a membership fee is waived.
1.3. Subscribers will enjoy all privileges of their membership, including receiving four articles of the Bulletin in the e-mail annually.

2. Institutional Members

2.1. Fee: 40 $US
2.2. Organizations being in line with the aims and objectives of the Society can apply for Institutional Membership
2.3. Institutional Members will appoint within their organization a person representing them, holding a mandate to vote and be elected.
2.4. Institutional Members will enjoy all privileges of their membership, including receiving the bi-annual Bulletin.

3. Affiliated Institutional Members

3.1. Affiliated National Institutional Members.
3.1.1. Fee: 40 $US
3.1.2.. Affiliated National Institutional Members are organizations or institutions having similar objectives as the IKS who have applied for and fulfilled the conditions for affiliation as described in chapter III. (Affiliation) of the Statutes and represent a country nationwide.
3.1.3. Affiliated National Institutional Members are the official and only nationwide representative of the International Kodály Society in their country.
3.1.4. Affiliated National Institutional Members will appoint within their organization a person representing them, holding a mandate to vote and be elected.
3.1.5. The Presidents of Affiliated National Institutional Members or their delegates hold a seat in the Advisory Council of the IKS and are entitled to attend the annual Board meetings as observers.
3.1.6 Affiliated National Institutional Members will enjoy all privileges of their membership, including receiving the bi-annual Bulletin.

3.2. Affiliated Local Institutional Members
3.2.1. Fee 40 $US
3.2.2. Affiliated Local Institutional Members are organizations or institutions that have similar objectives as the IKS who have applied for and fulfilled the conditions for affiliation of the Statutes but do not represent a country nationwide.
3.2.3. Affiliated Local Institutional Members will appoint within their organization a person representing them, holding a mandate to vote and be elected.
3.2.4. Affiliated Local Institutional Members will enjoy all privileges of their membership, including receiving the bi-annual Bulletin.

4. Where under this By-law any decisions are to be made by the Board of Directors and it is not convenient to hold a meeting, the decision may be arrived at by post or any other appropriate method.