• "Music is an indispensable part of universal human knowledge. He who lacks it has a faulty knowledge. A man without music is incomplete. It is obvious that music should be a school subject. It is essential!" (Zoltán Kodály)
  • “Teach music and singing at school in such a way that it is not a torture but a joy for the pupil; instil a thirst for finer music in him, a thirst which will last for a lifetime.” (Zoltán Kodály)
  • “If one were to attempt to express the essence of this education in one word, it could only be singing” (Zoltán Kodály)
  • "The characteristics of a good musician are a well-trained ear, a well-trained mind, a well-trained heart and a well-trained hand. All four parts must develop together in constant equilibrium." (Zoltán Kodály)
  • "It is my firm conviction that mankind will live the happier when it has learned to live with music more worthily. Whoever works to promote this end, in one way or another, has not lived in vain." (Zoltán Kodály)
  • "A good folk song is a perfect masterpiece in itself" (Zoltán Kodály)
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Board of Directors


Honorary President

Mrs Sarolta Kodály


Dr. Jerry-Louis Jaccard (USA)
Professor Emeritus
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Lead Editor, IKS Bulletin

Immediate Past President

Dr. James Cuskelly (Australia)
Head of Faculty
Creative Arts at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School,


Dr. Zsuzsanna Polyák (Hungary)
Archivist, Researcher
Kodály Institute of the Liszt Academy of Music


Ms Susanna Saw (Malaysia)
Young Choral Academy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conductor and Lecturer, University of Malaya and Malaysian Institute of Art


Dr. Shinji Inagi (Japan)
Assistant Professor of Music
Nagoya Women's University
Organist, Composer
Past Vice President of the Japanese
Kodály Society, Japan


Ms Lucinda Geoghegan (UK)
Education Director
National Youth Choir of Scotland
British Kodály Academy Trustee
and Chair of Education


Dr. Miriam B. Factora (Philippines)
Consultant, Kodály Society of the Philippines
Lecturer, Summer Institute, Holy Names University, Oakland, CA, USA


Dr. Hilda Mercedes Morán Quiroz (Mexico)
Music Instructor
Founder of Kodály Mexico
Professor and Researcher, Universidad de Guadalajara

Executive Secretary

Mrs Krisztina Molnár-Litvai (Hungary)

Former Boards of the IKS